How To Achieve Excellence In Your Vending Operations
Most of the common perceptions about customer loyalty is irrelevant. Among the weakest measurements being used comes that of consumer loyalty. Often, high level of consumer satisfaction reported is contradicted by declining per capita sales. When surveys are conducted, it is possible to skew data. If the right answers are not found, it can cause trouble for your vending business.
When a vending machine provider asks questions about price, quality, variety and service, it creates an expectation on consumer’s part that better things can be expected in the coming future. It indicates that your intention is to improve satisfaction levels.
An issue of concern is the customer fatigue. The only cure for this is to get to the point and provide the percieved value through vending products. A good start will be to listen more carefully to your customers.
Some assers of your Planet Antares vending business are not shown on the balance sheet. These include company culture, capital, long term relationships with clients, etc. management and employee satsifaction are intangible assets that are very critical for the success of any business and vending is no different. It is your responsibility to take inventory and safeguard your intangible assets with great care.